3  Ways RPA can help CIOs support Business Objectives 

Mar 14, 2020

Robotic Process Automation has managed to transform the world of business as robots have through the power of automation been easily able to carry out many repetitive tasks that were once done manually. RPA helps businesses to ensure that the work environment is improved as simple yet mundane tasks can be completed in a very quick and efficient manner.  


The CIO of every business needs these innovations to help support the business' objectives. Companies that are making effective use of RPA technology can yield greater returns for their business. However, many companies tend to bypass IT support because they believe that RPA does not need it but in reality IT support is needed to some extent as it can help ensure smooth performance. Furthermore, if a CIO is not active or fully involved in carrying out daily tasks and activities then the company's IT support services will not be able to handle issues with performance including decreased or late value delivery.  For RPA to be effective, businesses should focus on the automation with the three S’s. They are as follows:  

1. Sponsorship, also known as, executive-level buy-in.  

2. Long-term Integration Strategies.  

3. Employee awareness about new innovations and skills that are being introduced.  


Companies need to incorporate the support and input of the executive level, as this will help the board of directors understand the importance of RPA and the amount of success it can bring for the business. A CIO should be well aware of the benefits as RPA will not only improve the levels of customer satisfaction but it will have a strong impact on customer engagement and new revenue sourcing.  


As new innovations and technologies are being introduced rapidly, the CIO of every company might not be able to keep pace with all the changes that are taking place. They are so occupied with the current changes that long term integration is out of the question for them. It is vital to devise a long term integration plan as it will help the company to fulfill its goals. It can be seen as a road-map which should be followed by companies to achieve success.  

Re-skilling Employees 

The re-skilling employees is very important for a business. It helps them cope with change. It will help employees divide their workload in a productive manner and they can easily work in harmony with the robots. They should know how the new technology can help them and share their workload. It will enhance their skills and they are unlikely to feel threatened by the changing course of technology. The amount of time that was spent on carrying out mundane tasks can now be utilized to increase productivity. 


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Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, RPA, RPA implementation, ai, robotics process automation, Innovation