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Ten Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying a Customer Data Management Solution

Written by ProV International Inc. | Dec 12, 2018

The digital age has given birth to a new kind of customer. A customer that not only wants the best product, but also demands the best service for said product. An E-consultancy study found 83% of buyers today will pay more great customer experience. 73% also find this experience to be a deciding factor in making purchase decisions. It’s all about the ‘experience’ today.

This new breed of consumers has changed the way service delivery companies operate. A PwC report found that 25% of businesses surveyed expect their enterprise software investments to aid in customer satisfaction. Another survey from Gartner, also revealed that 89% of companies’ view improving their customer experience as a major competitive advantage over their rivals.

Customer relationship management (CRM) brings together various practices and technologies that an organization uses in order to manage various aspects of its customer lifecycle. Customer relationship software operate with the view of increasing customer acquisition and customer retention. It can also help in driving sales and streamlining internal processes that become a barrier to customer success.

If you’re on the lookout for a new CRM solution that will help you in achieving total customer satisfaction, here, we list 10 ways the new investment can benefit your company.

1) Saves Time And Money

 Most CRM systems use a centralized database to manage all customer data. This means all your teams have access to every individual customer data and immense visibility over the customer lifecycle and behavior. Detailed data allows for faster decision-making that keeps your operational costs low, and drastically improves your resolution times.

2) Improves Management

 The best CRM solutions use detailed analytics and an automated routing system using AI and machine learning to automatically route issues. As a result, the employees best suited for resolving an issue get the notification. And your customers remain happy as they don’t have to navigate a maze of questions to manually reach the correct person each time.

3) Improves Customer Interaction

Customer relationship management tools gather all forms of consumer data utilizing multiple channels like your website, voice calls, chat processes, e-mails, and even social media. Customer relationship management processes also provide your front-line employees (customer facing employees) with detailed data like personal information, purchase history, shopping preferences and complaint history. Using this data, organizations can build stronger relationships on their way to ultimately achieving customer success.

4) Better Scheduling and Tracking

When overworked teams have to deal with everything manually, customer requests are prone to falling through the cracks. A CRM solution helps you monitor all customer interactions and routing capabilities help you schedule and track support activities accordingly.

5) Gaining The Ability To Cross-Sell

The more data you have on your customers' needs and requirements, the better suited you are to provide additional solutions for their next problem.

6) Improving Operational Efficiency

CRM software often come with in-built industry best practices that are pre-tested/ proven ways of creating happier customers. Following these best practices, you can streamline your business processes for optimum operational efficiency.

7) Forecasting

Can you monitor your customer service trends? Using real-time data CRM systems can forecast your probable future demand trends. They can also as assist in strategic adaptation of these forecasts till their fruition.

8) Improved Collaboration

 A unified solution for CRM allows for better collaboration of your customer support teams with other functions like marketing and finance through integrations. Since all the data is stored in a single system of records, your teams can better align your overall business goals with customer experience.

9) Targeted Lead Generation

Customer acquisition can be tricky and a lot of hit-and-miss if you can’t identify and cater to your target market. Using all data gathered by your CRM, you can launch better targeted campaigns that improves your chances of success, and ultimately tells on your bottom-line.

10) Scalability

If running costs has shut you out from investing in a CRM solution, it is time to change your mind. The best customer service software today are scalable and flexible. This means you can customize your features as you need them. SaaS models offer unparalleled scalability and flexibility for small and medium sized businesses during their key growth phase.

Need a helping hand to get started on your CRM journey? ProV’s dedicated customer relationship management services combine the best CRM implementation best practices and optimized customer relationship management examples to ensure you get the highest ROI on your CRM software investment.

Want a checklist on what makes CRM the right choice for you? Ask for a FREE consultation today!