ProV Blog

How Hosting ServiceNow in The Cloud Can Improve Business Profitability

Written by ProV International Inc. | Aug 19, 2020

ServiceNow is a service management tool that stems from ITSM (Information Technology Service Management). It handles customer service requests so users can raise requests that focus on a variety of services. Advancements in technology have metamorphosed it into a cross-departmental platform that functions as an enterprise cloud solution that is built on other applications. ServiceNow’s ability to create workflows that automate data extraction sets it apart in today’s cloud space.  


Cloud hosting has become a trend across industries because it provides unique opportunities to reach new markets, boosts innovation, and decreases IT costs which facilitating complete visibility and control of other resources.  


Hosting ServiceNow in the cloud offers consistent, repeatable processes for handling services across Microsoft Azure subscriptions and regions. This allows Microsoft Azure customers to have increased operational visibility and control of their Microsoft cloud infrastructure. Enterprises can leverage the numerous capabilities that are on offer to improve business profitability. Here are some of the ways that hosting ServiceNow in the cloud can improve business profitability: 




Cloud hosting your apps like ServiceNow, for example, ensures the complete automation of your business processes and controls costs. With ServiceNow cloud infrastructure, core business processes like sales, marketing, support, billing, inventory and partner ecosystem become automated. With automation comes the streamlining of processes, the improvement of service delivery (service purchases and billing), and increased customer satisfaction. High levels of customer satisfaction help retain customers who might market your services for you.  


Reduced Costs 


Hosting ServiceNow in the cloud is a very cost-effective means of leveraging the benefits that ServiceNow offers. This is because the cloud offers a financial model that is economical and predictable, so a stream of IT costs is eliminated. Cloud hosting ServiceNow is guaranteed to lower maintenance costs which significantly impact business profits. The need to maintain hardware and related equipment no longer exists 


Marketing and management costs are also eliminated since all that is required with ServiceNow cloud infrastructure is a smart device and the internet to execute business processes. Cloud management for ServiceNow makes it possible to outsource your ServiceNow management to a third party. This cuts costs that would be spent on routine maintenance, updates, security, product development, storage methods, customer support approaches, and marketing methods since the service provider takes responsibility for these costs. 




With ServiceNow, cloud enterprises can handle market conditions better. There is increased access to real-time data that can be mined to reveal changes in the market. This awareness allows enterprises to respond to such changes to generate business profits promptly. One such change is the increased user demand that comes with high customer satisfaction. 




Hosting ServiceNow in the cloud mainly improves business profitability by offering a level of flexibility that enables enterprises to navigate the modern business landscape better. Regardless of the size of the enterprise, effectively hosting ServiceNow in the cloud will improve business process and business profitability over time.  Ready to reap the benefits of hosting ServiceNow in the cloud? Ask for a FREE Consultation today!