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How Aerospace Companies Stay Ahead of Customer Demands with IFS Applications

Written by ProV International Inc. | Mar 21, 2020

As the demand for air travel has increased in recent years, the number of aerospace related companies has also increased exponentially. The most challenging thing for aerospace companies has been ensuring that they strike a balance between profitability and customer satisfaction. It has been very difficult to satisfy customers in this industry as their satisfaction largely depends on the factors of safety and compliance which is very expensive. The introduction of new technologies and innovations continues to lead to an increase in consumer expectations, but this has been accompanied by expectations of falling prices. 

The challenge going forward is to increase the overall levels of efficiency while integrating digital technology into daily operations. Often it is difficult for aerospace companies to stay ahead of changing consumer preferences, but IFS Applications can help. Here are 4 ways that it does this:  

  1. It helps aerospace companies increase their operational efficiency. IFS Applications can speed up the process of carrying out various tasks. This creates less chances of error as all duties are performed through an automatic process thus making these operations more reliable.  

  2. IFS Applications can integrate with Fleet Management Systems. It can help manage complex equipment and software, such as that of a helicopter or other aircraft. This makes the configuration process smooth and simple. Furthermore, the integration can also help aerospace companies get notifications whenever the maintenance of an aircraft is due. These notifications are extremely important as they help to ensure that products are safe for consumers. 

  3. Aerospace companies and airports can use IFS to integrate airport administration software. It offers a complete Enterprise Resource Planning solution for airports as it covers all important aspects related to finance, technical maintenance, supply chain management, etc. With the help of this ERP software, a balance can be achieved between the levels of profitability and the resources available.  It can offer assistance with the following: 
    • The optimization of planning and forecasting.  
    •  Compliance with safety requirements and standards.  
    •  The identification and management of critical assets. 

  4. It offers the most advanced yet the most reliable solution for various MRO operations. It covers everything from quotation and handling to the maintenance of aircraft. Service Bulletins can also be managed and tracked easily. If all these factors are integrated and automated using one suite then it can improve operational efficiency. 

We believe that IFS offers the best application suite for meeting change consumer expectations. The data collected by the company can be housed in one place, which makes it easier for employees to analyze various data-points collectively. It boosts productivity and work efficiency significantly with automation and innovative solutions. 

On the fence about getting or upgrading to a new ERP system? Work with us! ProV is an award-winning technology partner and has a track record of successful ERP deployments and upgrades around the world. Request a FREE Consultation today to learn how we can simplify ERPs for you.