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Facilities management software: How it can increase productivity and help save costs

Written by ProV International Inc. | Sep 11, 2022

Facilities management software: How it can increase productivity and help save costs

Many office space and facilities management software out there claim to improve productivity, but not all of them live up to their promises. If you're looking to purchase or upgrade your current facilities management software, make sure you know what you want before you buy something expensive that won't help you meet your goals. The five ways facilities management software can boost productivity and save costs are as follows:

  • Reduced Staff Costs

Saving on staff can help businesses in several ways. For example, it may provide increased budgeting options and make hiring decisions more straightforward. It can also save time and reduce the likelihood of human error that may take hours or days to fix. Additionally, the money saved from reduced staff costs could be used to purchase new supplies or equipment necessary for improving productivity.

  • Automated Workflow/Electronic Forms

Another critical benefit of facilities management software is automating repetitive workflows or processes. For example, you can use it to create a customized workflow for every employee in your organization to enable them to enter tasks or complete assigned work automatically through an electronic form or system. Employees will never have to ask permission from another person if they need access to something. There's no confusion about what they are working on because the system is designed with specific tasks and responsibilities in mind. Plus, this reduces wasted time by removing any lag time from a manager approving items at their desk and sending employees off on their next task.

  • Longer Battery Life

One of the most obvious ways that Facilities management software can increase productivity is by keeping your mobile devices charged for longer. It's hard to imagine any office running at maximum efficiency when many employees struggle with battery life. There are many steps involved in getting a full charge, including searching for a power source, finding an outlet, plugging in the device, and waiting an hour or more. Often employees will have to shut down operations while waiting for their phones to charge. Other than shutting down the shop completely, there isn't much we can do about this issue. It may seem like a minor issue, but as you can see from my description, it has far-reaching effects on your productivity.

  • 24/7 Monitoring

One of the best features many facilities management software solutions provide is remote monitoring capabilities. In this age, where teams are more dispersed than ever, it's essential to have a solution that will keep your people productive and secure when they're away from their desks. Remote monitoring capabilities can also help managers better maintain the 24/7 work environment. Simply put, you don't want to be stuck in an office for twelve hours and not know what's going on at home!


  • Faster Response Times

Managers without the aid of software tools often spend too much time trying to track down facility-related issues. With these new technologies, managers can quickly locate their supplies to take care of any problems immediately. This reduces response times and enhances productivity by minimizing downtime.

Managers with facility management software also enjoy increased mobility, allowing them to take care of maintenance and repairs in person instead of having someone else do it for them. It's an advantage that not only saves costs but also boosts productivity because they don't have to spend time back at their office or on the phone coordinating responses.


Do you want to see how ServiceNow can help your facilities management company? Contact us today!